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How to Verify a Professional's License in Allentown?

Residents of Allentown who intend to engage any professional are advised to verify the professional's licensing status and confirm if the professional is authorized to operate in the city. Several agencies license and regulate professionals in Allentown, including the Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy, the State Board of Landscape Architects, and 27 other licensing Boards and Commissions. Although these Boards operate independently, they are administratively assisted by the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs of the Pennsylvania Department of State (PDS). To verify a professional's license, residents can check the license search portal maintained by the PDS. If the portal does not have information on a professional's occupational category, you may contact the PDS's Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs at (833) 367-2762 for license verification inquiries or assistance.

Apart from confirming a professional's license, it is recommended that you also check for any local specifications necessary for any project you are planning. For example, contractors in Allentown cannot commence any building-related project without getting a permit. The city's Bureau of Building Standards and Safety issues these permits and addresses related queries at (610) 437-7591 or (610) 437-7592.

Pennsylvania Contractor License Search:

Do Allentown Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

Allentown is locally governed by the City Council, which comprises seven representatives elected by residents across the city. The City Council works closely with other elected and appointed city officials to improve the city's infrastructure, residents' living conditions, and ensure general city development. Residents of Allentown can visit the City Council's online public meeting calendar to access previous meeting details and find out when next the City Council or other city commissions are having meetings. This way, residents can get acquainted with the activities of the city government and participate in future activities.

The Allentown City Council does not issue home improvement or construction permits. Nonetheless, the City Council may approve or consider matters for the city's benefit that are related to construction activities. For example, in March 2021, the City Council approved a rezoning request and amended certain restrictions relating to the city's urban development zoning district. Also, the City Council is considering creating a homeless service coordinator office to look into issues causing homelessness in the city and create solutions. Such solutions include expanding housing opportunities and making it easier for homeless people to rent apartments.

How Do You File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Allentown?

Consumer protection matters in Allentown City are generally addressed by the Bureau of Consumer Protection (BCP) of Pennsylvania's Attorney General (AG) Office. Residents of Allentown can file unfair business complaints with this Bureau online or by mail. In order to file a complaint online, the complainant is required to fill and submit an online consumer complaint form, which is available in English or Spanish. Similarly, to file a complaint by mail, the complainant must download a consumer complaint form, which is also downloadable in English or Spanish, and mail the completed form to

  • Bureau of Consumer Protection
  • Strawberry Square
  • 15th Floor
  • Harrisburg, PA 17120

For complaints that involve reports of an alleged criminal act by a professional or business, residents may contact the Allentown Police Desk at (610) 437-7753 for inquiries on reporting the situation.

Upon receiving your consumer complaint, the BCP will either advise you to mediate with the relevant professional or business, refer the complaint to another agency, or sue the business or professional. Note that any legal action by the BCP does not guarantee that you will be personally compensated, as such legal actions are in the public's interest. If you are unable to mediate with the professional or business and the money involved is $12,000 or less, you can initiate a small claims action. Small claims actions in Allentown are typically filed at any of the Lehigh County Magisterial District Courts located in the city. Although you may represent yourself at the Magisterial District Court, it is recommended that you seek legal advice from a qualified attorney before filing your small claims action.